cienismisco1986 2021. 5. 21. 08:15
I think you are all aware of the MacOS-like 'universal menubar'? That is, a menubar that is permanently located at the top of the screen, as opposed to the application-window. This menubar is available on KDE3, but it's not available on KDE4 yet.
Go ahead and burn me at the stake, but I believe that KDE4 should use the universal menubar (when it becomes available) by default. My rationale is this:
a) The universal menubar is usable. It's located at the top of the screen, so it is easy to reach. Menus that are on the windows, are harder to reach, since they require more precise positioning of the mouse. Also, the menubar does not move, it's always at the exact same place.
b) The universal menubar saves space, since each application-window does not have to replicate the menubar. There would be just one desktop-wide menubar. This saved space becomes more and more important as small-screen devices like netbooks become more widely used.
c) The universal menubar would give KDE4 more individual look. Yes, it would be somewhat similar to Mac OS, but at least we would be getting rid of the old complaint that 'KDE is a copy of Wndows!'. Besides, if we want to copy, Apple/Mac OS is a better target to copy than Microsoft/Windows .
d) removing the menubar from the app-windows makes the UI clenaer, since there's less stuff to display in the app-window itself.
My ideal setup would have the menubar at the top of the screen, with taskbar at the top-right. The bottom of the screen would have the taskbar, and only the taskbar. That way both the menubar (and associated stuff, like systray) and taskbar would have maximum amount of space available to them. Also, the Kmenu could be moved to top-left corner (like the Apple-menu on MacOS).
At this point you are about to type 'so you want KDE to become a clone of MacOS?'. Well, yes and no. Right now, it's a copy of Windows. Yes it is. So as such there's nothing wrong with taking a cue or two from MacOS, since we already do the same when it comes to Windows.
Besides, KDE would be combining the best of MacOS with the best of Windows. It would have the menubar, location of Kmenu and systray from MacOS, but it would have Windows-esque taskbar, instead of the horrible Dock.
Discuss. I already have my fireproof underwear on .

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Mac os x yosemite 10.10.5 free download. StyleProject StyleProject is a style for qt4 and qt5 that requires kde for the window decoration. Aim is to make. KDE Running on Mac OS X 393. Posted by CowboyNeal on Friday September 23, 2005 @01:43AM from the back-on-the-mac dept. GeoffP writes 'AppleTalk Australia is running a story on running KDE on Mac OS X. For those that don't know, KDE is a graphical desktop environment used to. Jun 09, 2009  The Discussions and Opinions forum is a place for open discussion regarding everything related to KDE, within the boundaries of KDE Code of Conduct.If you have a question or need a solution for a KDE problem, please post in the apppropriate forum instead.

Kde4 Os X 10

Just because KDE has been designed to be portable across Linux, FreeBSD and other UNIX/X11 environments for an age now, doesn't mean we aren't up for the occasional challenge. With version 4, Trolltech released Qt for the Mac, Windows and now even embedded environments under the GPL. Since Qt is the base upon which KDE is developed, KDE is now free to offer native support for these. Klblastone writes 'The KDE desktop environment is going cross-platform with support for the Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.In addition to porting the core KDE libraries and applications, developers are also porting popular KDE-based software like the Amarok audio player and the KOffice productivity suite.